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Bringing Uninterrupted Entertainment to Your Customers Through AI

Experience a surge in efficiency and profitability in your entertainment business with our advanced tools, including Breez, our AI-powered self-service kiosk designed perfectly for movie theaters. By leveraging our innovative solutions, you're not only streamlining operations but also creating a memorable cinematic experience for your audience, ensuring repeat visits and sustained growth. Embrace the future of entertainment with us and set the stage for unparalleled success.  

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Bring Queue-Free Entertainment to Your Audience Through AI

Reshape your entertainment experience with our AI-powered solutions. Eliminate wait times, streamline venue management, ease concession stand payments, and ensure guests spend more time enjoying the event rather than handling mundane details.

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 More Than Just a Ticketing System

Transform your entertainment operations with a host of advanced features delivered through our innovative and highly efficient products.

AI-Powered Ticket Management

Boost sales through 30-second ticket checkouts and real-time purchase tracking

 Financial Management

Boost sales, minimize costs, and ensure compliance through data-backed decisions

Seamless Integration

Connect third-party integrations for time-saving venue management features

Loyalty Program

Reward customers through gamified user interfaces and boost your brand loyalty

Accounting Essentials 

Keep financials sound through effortless book-keeping and swift reconciliations

Analytics & Reporting

Gain insights into customer behavior, popular events, and ticket sale trends

The Right Fit for Your Entertainment Establishments

Multiplex Chains   

Multiplex Chains ​



Concert Venues

Concert Venues  

Drive-In Theaters

Drive-In Theaters  




Museums ​



Theme Parks

Theme Parks  

Accelerate Your Business Growth

Our innovative technology solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes.

Faster Check-Ins

Faster Check-Ins

Patrons can bypass slow ticket counters and check-in swiftly using our AI-powered self-service kiosk. This can reduce wait times to 30 seconds or less through a highly responsive user interface, face-scan aided customer identification, and conversational AI.

Faster check-in

Gamified Experience

The integration of a gamified interface enhances the entertainment experience, making it engaging and enjoyable. Customers earn points for actions like exploring new content or participating in interactive activities, redeemable for rewards. This incentivizes interaction with the content, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Express Snack Orders

Express Snack Orders

During show intervals, customers can swiftly order snacks at our AI-powered kiosks through simple voice commands, enjoying their favorites with minimal disruption to their entertainment, thereby elevating the overall experience and concession efficiency.

Accelerate Your Business Growth

Our innovative technology solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes.

Personalized Loyalty Rewards

Personalized Loyalty Rewards

Through Breez, incentives are tailored based on individual viewing habits, genre preferences, and frequency of visits. For instance, a patron frequently attending sci-fi movies might receive early bird booking options for upcoming releases in the same genre.

Faster Check-Ins

Patrons can bypass traditional ticket counters and check-in swiftly using our AI-powered self-service kiosk. This can reduce wait times to 30 seconds or less through a highly responsive user interface, face-scan aided customer identification, and verbal commands delivered to a voice activation module with AI. To avoid dulling the experience of customers who are late to a show or movie, this is a game-changer.

Faster Check-Ins
breez image

Gamified Experience

The integration of a gamified interface enhances the entertainment experience, making it engaging and enjoyable. Customers earn points for actions like exploring new content or participating in interactive activities, redeemable for rewards. This incentivizes interaction with the content, boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.

On-Demand Food Orders

During show intervals, customers can place on-demand food orders swiftly using our AI-powered self-service kioks. This ensures that customers can enjoy their favorite snacks without missing a moment of their show. The system is designed to interpret and process spoken commands, ensuring a seamless ordering experience. This feature not only enhances the overall entertainment experience but also optimizes concession stand operations, reducing wait times and increasing customer satisfaction.

On-Demand Food Orders
Personalized Experience

Personalized Experience

By analyzing customer preferences and past interactions, exclusive movie or show recommendations can be offered. This personalized approach not only enhances the entertainment experience but also increases engagement, as customers are presented with content that aligns with their personal preferences and interests.

Offers tailored to inspire brand loyalty

On Breez, incentives are tailored based on individual viewing habits, genre preferences, and frequency of visits. For instance, a patron frequently attending sci-fi movies might receive early bird booking options for upcoming releases in the same genre. This level of personalization not only enhances the movie-going experience but also fosters brand loyalty, driving repeat visits and higher engagement.

loyalty program

More Than Just a Ticketing System

Transform your entertainment operations with a suite of smart solutions, including an AI-powered self-service kiosk, real-time analytics, and point-of-sale management tools.

AI-Powered Ticket Management AI-Powered Ticket Management

Optimize sales through 30-second voice-activated show admissions and real-time ticket tracking

Financial Management   Financial Management

Handle finances and ensure compliance through data-backed decisions

Seamless Integration Seamless Integration

Connect third-party integrations for smooth and seamless entertainment operations

Loyalty Program   Loyalty Program

Reward customers through gamified interface for repeat visits and build a loyal customer base

analytics Reporting   Analytics & Reporting

Gain insights into customer behavior, popular events, and ticket sale trends

Accounting Essentials   Accounting Essentials

Automate financial posting and streamline book-keeping

Experience a Seamless Retail Ecosystem

Cyntra's unified retail ecosystem can mean the difference between merely surviving in the competitive market and thriving with unparalleled growth. Reach out to us today.

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All product image

Experience a Seamless Retail Ecosystem

Cyntra's unified retail ecosystem can mean the difference between merely surviving in the competitive market and thriving with unparalleled growth. Reach out to us today.

Schedule a Demo

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Streamline Your Business With Our Complete Suite of Applications

Elevate the experience of your customers with our comprehensive suite of cutting-edge features. Seamlessly integrate efficient checkouts, streamlined ordering processes, and robust inventory and operations tools to unlock unprecedented productivity.

Breez Kiosk 

Revamp shopping experience with 30-seconds checkout

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point of sale image

Leap POS

Streamline retail operations, no training or infrastructure needed

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Swyft mPOS

Process payments and oversee sales anytime, anywhere ​

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  Astra analytics image
   Astra Analytics

Get real-time insights on sales inventory, and key metrics ​

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Digital Signage

Enhance brand marketing with in sync displays

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point of sale image

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Breez  Kiosk

Revamp shopping experience with 30-second checkouts

Leap  POS  

Streamline retail operations, no training or infrastructure needed

Swyft  mPOS

Process payments and oversee sales anytime, anywhere 

 Astra Analytics

Get real-time insights on sales inventory, and key metrics ​

Signa Signage

Enhance brand marketing with in-sync displays